What is Chrysalis

The chrysalis process symbolizes how Christ can transform you into something beyond your dreams. It happens when you grow beyond yourself, opening your life to Jesus' power and love.
"Chrysalis" is the name chosen for the youth version of The Walk to Emmaus, and Journey is the Young Adult version. The Walk to Emmaus is the parent/adult movement.
The Walk to Emmaus, Chrysalis, and Journey are programs designed by The Upper Room.
Chrysalis "Flights" are intended for youth in grades 9-12 and at least 14 years of age. The Upper Room also offers a program known as Journey for young adults post-high school. At this time in the Tidewater Community, we do not offer Journey. Therefore Chrysalis or Emmaus can be deemed appropriate for those youth between 18-22. Chrysalis provides an opportunity for you to learn more about your faith, to experience Christian love and support, and to make new faith commitments. The point is to inspire, challenge and equip you for a closer friendship with Christ and for Christian action at home, church, school, and community.
Chrysalis lifts up a way for you to enjoy Christ's friendship and love and to be Christ's friend and partner in the world. The three days focus on God's grace, your experience with Christ as friend, what it means to be the body of Christ, and giving love to a needy world.
Visit the Upper Room Chrysalis page to read more about the Chrysalis program.
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